    comming soon !

Hostel Facility

The following rules and regulation shall have to observe by the hostellers:-
1. At shekhawati Ayurved college it is mandatory to take admission to the hostel for all the students except those
residing in Pilani with their guardians
2. The parents must submit two names of local guardians along with their photographs and complete address on whose
request the students shall be allowed to go outside the hostel.
3. All the students should attend classes regularly. Absence from classes without prior permission may cause
cancellation of admission from hostel except in case of illness.
4. No guests are allowed to stay in the hostel.
5. No guests are allowed to take food in the hostel mess without permission of the authorities.
6. Cooking is not allowed in the hostel.
7. Electric irons, Heaters and coolers are not allowed in the hostel.
8. Students indulging indiscipline disturbing other students and creating nuisance shall be dealt with strictly.
9. Students are advised to sign the entry and departure register available with the guard of the hostel.
10. The warden of the hostel shall be the overall in charge and students are advised to obey him/her.
11. A refundable Hostel caution money of Rs. 5000/- shall be charged from every students staying in hostel.
12. The hostel charges to be paid for each year as decided by the management will be Rs 48000/- (forty eight thousands)
p.a. which if paid in installment will be 25000/- at the time of admission followed by second installment of Rs 25000/-
should be paid by 31st March.
Lunch & Dinner Breakfast After-noon Refreshment
1. Roti/Chapati Tea, Roti/Chapati Tea & Snacks
2. Dry Vegetable Dal/Vegetable
3. Curd Rice
Special diet may be provided on specific occasions.
Note:- students should have following items with them while coming to hostel i.e. bedding and utensils for food. An
agreement will be duly signed by the parent and the students at the time of admission to the hostel.
Each and every students admitted to the college must adhere to the rules and regulations mentioned in the
prospectus and any other conditions, guidelines introduction by the management from time to time The management
reserves the right to change any conditions rule at any time without any reason.

1. To appear in the university professional examination, 75% attendance of Lectures/ Practical / Tutorials is compulsory
as per university guidelines. Anybody short of 75% attendance will not be allowed to appear in the professional
examination. A students will be treated as absent from class and no lecture will be considered during the period of
medical leave.
2. Fees due for the sessions are required to be deposited in advanced or at the time of commencement of the session i.e.
July every year. In case of late deposition of fees i.e. after 10 July fine of Rs.50/- per day will be charged.
3. All students shall have to attend practical classes in the labs and or where ever the practical is performed. In case of
absence from classes students will be charged Rs.50/- per day as penalty.
4. No student is allowed to paste any notice and or display banner in the college premises.
5. The students absenting him continuously for three months without any information is liable to be struck off from the
college rolls. In case off re-admission students shall have to pay fine of Rs. 10,000/-(Ten Thousands Only).
6. Student s will have to go to the clinics and filed practice area as per the schedule made available to them by the college
7. No student is allowed to enter college without proper uniform and apron as well as will not be allowed to leave the
college campus during the college hours without permission of the concerned authorities.
8. Students are not allowed to receive any money from the patients under any circumstance.
9. No students will possess any mobile phone in the college campus. In case, you have the same, you can deposit with
the security guard /gateman. Anybody violating this rule is liable for a fine of Rs. 1000/- along with confiscating of cell
phone. Personal Laptop should be available with every student.
10. The institute reserves the right of police verification of any students after admission.
11. A bond duly signed by the candidate and /guardians must be submitted at the time of admission the students shall
have to pay the bond money if he/she leave the course before completion. The original documents would be kept
under the custody of the institution and would be returned only after completion of the course or on payment of
bond money as the case may be.
12. Any identity card will be issued to the students which he or she is required to keep with him/her at all times. In case of
loss of the I-card, the students will be charged Rs. 100/- for the issue of duplicate I-card.
13. The possession of any drug or alcoholic beverage is strictly prohibited the college campus.
14. The possession of fire arms and big knife is strictly prohibited in the college campus.
15. Gambling or betting is strictly prohibited in the hostel and college campus.
16. Any students indulging in indiscipline which is contrary to the congenial atmosphere of the college/hospital can
attract fine , suspension , expulsion and rustication if found guilty
17. The college management reserves the right to alter the rules and regulations from time to time.
18. The college will charge full fee of the complete course in case any students migrates/leaves the course in between.
19. In case of damage of the college or hospital property the student is liable to compensate the damage.
20. Examination shall be conducted by Dr. S.R. Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur. The eligibility to appear shall be as
per the guidelines of the university.
21. The college use to conduct internal examination in the month of May and September for better revision and the
attendance in the same is compulsory for every student
22. Student must sanitize their hands frequently and put on their mask properly.
23. All matters are subjected to Pilani Jurisdiction only.